Sunday, September 18, 2011

sink or swim

My phone is struggling with the aftereffects of its dip in the tea....perhaps I spoke too soon about the whole LG testimonial bit. I had a feeling it was too good to be true.

It happened just in time for a visit from one of my very dearest friends on the whole planet, and her delightful significant other, both of whom had lots of questions about parenting, what it's like raising three boys, how we stay sane, how we fulfill our parenting duties and still make time for our marriage (I think I actually managed to respond to that one without laughing)(not sure, though - we'd had some wine by then). In any case, I felt it was a perfect demonstration.


  1. It might be too late but immerse wet phones in rice grains (uncooked!). It absorbs the moisture! Will not save it after going through the wash, however. Not that that has happened here. Twice.

  2. Wow - good to know! The phone is all dry by now; I think its downfall will be the bit of sugar in the tea, which seems to be making things a little sticky and crackly. And sometimes it goes into a sort of an uncontrollably-vibrating fugue.
    *Next* time it happens, however, I'll be all over the rice.

  3. I have solid proof that chocolate milk can kill a camera and a phone... Sticky, sticky = dead.

  4. Not sure if you know about this danger but want to share just in case - Have a great day!
