Sunday, May 22, 2011

other things we learn in kindergarten

 "Mom, what does fuckit mean?"
 "Who says 'fuck it'?"
 "Landon. What does it mean? Is that the f-word?"
 "Alec, that's a very very bad word and you must not ever say it. And I don't think you should be friends with Landon."
"But what does it mean??"
 "It's so bad, I don't even know what it means. But you don't ever say it. If you say that word, everyone will think you're mean and bad, and you will have to go see Mr. Forsberg."
"If it's a bad word, could I say it to bad guys?"
"Maybe so. But only the worst bad guys ever. Only if there were alien bad guys from outer space with laser eyeballs who wanted to eat you. Then you could say fuck it."
"Okay. Thanks, Mom!"

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Squelching their creativity

"Mom, let's pretend I'm a Great White shark and Daisy can be the sea lion!"

Add that one to the list of banned games, along with such classics as Butt Tag, Wiener Tag, Chopstick Tag, Spatula Fighting, and Shovel Golf. Too bad their mom is so narrow-minded.

In fairness, Daisy does bear more than a passing resemblance to a sea lion. And the BBC Planet Earth series does have an inspiring (or nightmare-inducing, if you're me) sequence of slow-motion seal-meets-shark sequences.