Wednesday, June 29, 2011

still other things we learn in kindergarten, but later forget

Going down a three-story carnival slide in a sundress gives you three stories' worth of slideburn on your ass.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

the world according to Owen

"Look out, Mom! I'm about to transform into a four-year-old boy with no pants!"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In Which I Discuss My Undergarments

Today I am wearing a billionaire's socks.
Actually, according to Forbes he's not quite a billionaire (a mere 800-plus-millionaire), which is a touchy subject, but nevertheless he's so wealthy that he apparently feels it would be beneath him to wear the same pair of socks twice. This is, by the way, my husband's former employer we're talking about, which is how I came to be in possession of some of his discarded socks, because I have what could be described as RCD, Recycling Compulsive Disorder, and they are Perfectly Good Socks.