Tuesday, January 29, 2013

still catching up

Well, the raw food cleanse is over, and the Girl Scout Cookie Whatever-the-Opposite-of-a-Cleanse is has begun. Crime and Punishment is over, and my mentor was so impressed with my analytical reading that I have Great Expectations and Jude the Obscure on my plate this month. Sigh.
My kids haven't mooned anyone lately (slow week), though Isaac got in trouble at daycare for throwing the legos in the fishtank. Birthday was awesome (and can I emphasize how much better 36 is than 26? Wow. Yay.), and I now have a cheese-making kit, which should lead to further entertaining blog posts soon. Right after I finish Great Expectations.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

catching up

It has been brought to my attention by various relatives (the three of them that read this blog, and one who just discovered I have it) that I have been neglecting my blogging responsibilities. It's true, I have been falling short of even my very low twice-a-month standard. So, here's what's up with me. I am one day into a two-day raw food cleanse, which totally sucks and is making me cranky. For lunch, I had a smoothie with the texture of banana-flavored snot. I am about 300 pages into Crime and Punishment (actually similar in many ways to a raw food cleanse - plenty of fiber and unpleasantness in the name of virtuous sustenance), and I won't go so far as to say it totally sucks, but it is also making me cranky. The fact that I have two remaining days of winter break will be making me cranky as soon as I emerge from my back-to-school denial.

(so I started that two weeks ago, and am only just managing to get it posted. Maybe I should take up knitting. Or drinking.)