Thursday, January 26, 2012

other (better) silver lining

Owen decided he wanted to get me something shiny and beautiful for my birthday. His take on "shiny and beautiful" was a toy airplane. Ryan steered him instead toward a large box of chocolates, explaining reasonably that Mama doesn't really play with toys.
All seemed well until bedtime, when he fell apart, sobbing, telling me he was so sorry he didn't get me a toy for my birthday.
 I assured him it was okay, that airplanes were wonderful, but that the best birthday present of all was having him for my kid. He loved that so much he fell asleep smiling.
Some days I have absolutely no idea what goes on inside his head, but it seems like a wild ride.

silver lining

Happy birthday to me! Thirty-five.
The good news is I haven't been preyed upon by 30-foot nematodes. I think the refrigeration keeps them docile.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Well, against my better judgment, I looked up what exactly a nematode is (apparently UNL has a fairly renowned Nematology department; just another of the many cool things that go on in Nebraska), and I am sort of wishing I hadn't.
I will not go into detail (the University of Nebraska's Nematology Department website went into considerable detail), but apparently the largest ones can be 8 meters long. And the ones in my fridge are specifically predatory.

If I don't show up to work one day, that's probably why. That, or I contracted brain-eating amoeba from using a neti pot.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I just found a packet in the fridge labeled "One Million Predatory Nematodes."

Most days my life feels like a sketch from a National Lampoon movie, but today I'm thinking second-rate sci-fi/horror.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

to the teeth

I don't know if my husband is entering a midlife crisis or what, but the Murray Militia had an extremely good Christmas this year.
(Bear in mind that I have read way too much Barbara Kingsolver and vociferously espoused many lofty ideals about not letting my precious children play with toy weapons or even shoot each other with popsicle sticks, so I probably set myself up for this whole thing)(also my full-time work schedule and Ryan's not-full-time work schedule made for dad doing more of the Christmas shopping)
Post-holiday, Alec is armed with a rubber-band gun (which is much larger and more menacing than it sounds), a foam-dart bow, a suction-cup crossbow, and the kind of heavy plastic sword you use to train with in various martial arts.
Ryan is armed with two new rifles and I-cannot-tell-you-how-many sights and grips and tripods and stocks and laser-thingys, not to mention a very large and imposing gun safe.

I guess the silver lining is that he was indeed able to purchase said rifles, which means I did not have to.