Sunday, December 26, 2010

More Fun with Holiday Food

Exile in Boyville, case in point:

At lunch today, Isaac began fussing and rubbing his face, saying "nut, nut!" He's at that point where his words don't always correspond to the situation, so I didn't really put it together until Ryan asked, "Did he stick a pistachio up his nose?"
Mommy Alert goes from zero to sixty. Kleenex in hand, I tilt his little head back and am trying to figure out how to tell if there is, in fact, a pistachio up his nose (turns out it's not as obvious as you'd think). I am also trying to remain calm, so that nobody else (Isaac not least) will be worried about the fact that I have the baby in a headlock. After a couple of totally useless maneuvers with the Kleenex, he sneezes tremendously, and what should fly out of his little nose but an enormous snot-covered pistachio. It lands on his hand, and before I, who am still slightly in shock, can react, he pops the whole thing in his mouth AND EATS IT.

At this point, I have given up trying to remain calm, and am screeching like a banshee. My other kids and husband are doubled over laughing. This parenting thing is not for the faint of heart.


  1. There are many things one can eat from one's nose that are worse than pistachios! I think it shows good taste!

  2. Many things? Your nose may be more interesting than mine...
