Saturday, August 27, 2011

It followed me home

Possibly the most interesting fringe benefit of cafe ownership is the strange offerings that come from customers.
There is the predictable smattering of baked goods and so forth, and the freebie stickers, pens, and t-shirts from other local business owners. There is the extensive collection of Preserved Things in Jars (ketchup, mango chutney, habanero peach jam, lemon ginger marmalade, nondescript unlabeled reddish stuff, pickled green tomatoes). There are the green bean sets in the spring and tomatoes in the fall (because here in the mountains, tomatoes ripen by Labor Day if you're very lucky or very dedicated. This year we have unfortunately been neither).
And then you get into the fashion accessories. That thing up there is a hat (thank you, Darryl, you stylish man).
We have been the recipients of a load of manure (many metaphorical and one actual) and a sack of worms (Vanda, bring more worms! Ours did not survive winter on the porch!). We have a manvine nerve tonic (spellcheck doesn't know what 'manvine' is, and neither do I), a tincture of valerian, a dropper bottle of Yin Chao Junior, and a box of Chinese Fish Poop Tea.

Most recent, and most impressive, was the following accessory.

Apparently someone has a very high opinion of my husband.

1 comment:

  1. And I forgot the paper cup full of cheese curds. Thanks, Jess. They were yummy.
