Saturday, March 22, 2014

fake it til you make it.

It's no accident that I am squeezing out a post every two months this year - my writing-homework deadlines fall every two months, and immediately afterward is when I feel like I have time to putter for a couple days.
(disclaimer: food-themed navel-gazing ahead)
In the past couple of months, I have been experimenting with fake meat. TVP, seitan, tempeh, Tofurky ground beef crumble. I do not like it. I'm not even that wild about tofu, to be honest. 37 years of dietary habit are not about to be wooed away by masquerading soy product.
So now, Plan B, which so far consists of Ditching Fake Meat In Favor of Something Better.
Eggs? Eggplant? Mushrooms? Guittard 70% bittersweet chocolate? I don't know. Still working out the details. Incidentally, I'm pretty sure I'm not doing this vegetarian thing right. I find myself eating lots more garbage than I ever used to, because I feel hungry most of the time. But I'm telling myself that, like anything difficult, it's just a matter of doing it for today, and then doing it again tomorrow, and if I occasionally trip and a piece of bacon happens to accidentally land in my mouth, nobody is going to kick me out of the club. Right?

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